American Compassion is Second to None
Just recently American prisoners have been identified as among the most vulnerable to the coronavirus. In preparation, for the effect that Covid-19 will have on the incarcerated, the prisons have now been locked down. In basic terms that means that prisoners are confined to a space the size of the bathroom found in the average American home. The small space of confinement contains a sink, a toilet, two beds, two lockers, and of course two people. The prisoners have no access to a recreation yard or a library. Most of the "around the clock" time spent in a cell, is spent laying in bed reading anything that's available.

Needless to say, a bag lunch is often the highlight of the day, and a new book is an unimaginable gift.
Some prisons and jails have closed their libraries and reading areas leaving inmates with limited reading materials.
These conditions have become the subject of national news and have stirred the hearts of millions of Americans. Unfortunately, those concerns are of little help due to the demands of social distancing and the additional security measures implemented by the prisons.
But that, too, has been overcome. Just recently a national company has bridged the gap between prisoners in need and Americans who want to help. Freebird Publishers ( has established a system to help caring Americans get a huge selection of books to a long list of prisoners.
Helping an unknown prisoner in a time of need is easier than ever. For those who wish to donate a book to a random prisoner, send an email to:, and ask that your purchase be sent to a prisoner as a gift.
The most popular books among inmates are legal self-help. The most inspired readers are those who seek to advance their learning before they are released.