With a New Year Comes the Opportunity to Make a Meaningful Resolution to Change a Life Forever

Making a New Year's resolution is an age-old tradition in this country, and all are made with the best of intentions. There can be no doubt that all Americans have the opportunity to exact self-improvement and some are more compelling than others. History, however, has shown that even the most compelling New Year's resolutions last no longer than the celebration itself. We all have great aspirations for change and many promised improvements are quite commendable. But the most successful resolutions are the ones that are made to one's own self as opposed to those made to satisfy others.
A New Year's resolution should also be a change that brings about health, happiness or prosperity to the person making the resolution. There is no greater investment made than an investment in one's self. In some cases, a total reinvention of a person is what is most effective. The changing of one's home, job, and activities brings about a total change in atmosphere. This is what happens to an American prisoner upon release. But before released, prisoners must have turned away from the activity that got them incarcerated in the first place or they will be returning back to prison in no time.
A New Year's resolution, for all American prisoners and some of their family members, should be a total reinvention. Their commitment should be to change form the person they once were and transforming into the person that will guide them away from a life effected by crime.

This unfortunately can seem like an impossible task because most prisons lack the available resources to effectively educate prisoners prior to release. What remains hidden, to almost everyone involved, is that inmates must first let go of what troubles them. Then they must hone an existing skill to a fine point. When all is completed, they must develop a passion to succeed. For many prisoners these steps are achievable through writing and publishing. Three very good examples of successful prison authors are Brandon Sample, Shon Hopwood, and Kelly Patrick Riggs. These three men committed to meaningful change while in prison, all three are published authors, and all three have a driven passion for success.
Writing can begin as a therapeutic activity that helps an inmate get in touch with deep seated, and sometimes destructive, emotions. With continued practice writing becomes a feeling of accomplishment and once published, the reality of holding a first book can change a prisoner's life forever.
Writing can also translate to productive activities that encourages prison staff to support the early release of some eligible prisoners.
Therefore, if change is due, resolve to be different. Resolve to change your life for the best, become an author.
Publishing is available to everyone through self-publishing and is made inexpensive by use of a print-on-demand platform. So, those who contemplate change should contemplate being an author, and contemplate making a change that will last a lifetime.
For more information about becoming an author in the new year visit: www.freebirdpublishers.com.
