The Secret to Successful Self-Publishing

In today's world of easy-access self-publishing, the most important aspect of successful publishing is usually and almost always neglected- marketing the book! The real secret to successful self-publishing is getting a book in the view of potential readers. What many new authors fail to realize is that getting a book written, edited and in print is only half of the process. In self-publishing, a little knowledge goes a long way. It doesn't matter who or how a book is published. What DOES matter is how effectively it is aimed at the target market. Freebird Publishers has a comprehensive printed publishing guide for those that cannot read the info on their website. The professionals at Freebird Publishers understand book marketing. Authors can count on Freebird to open channels to Amazon, Barnes and Noble, internet distributors and e-book distributors- and they make great use of their own online bookstore, too. With the availability of self-publishing, also comes the print-on-demand concept. Therefore, once an author has a completed manuscript, a simple search on the internet provides easy access to editing and low-cost printing services. No longer is professional publishing out of reach because of huge upfront costs. Within only a few short weeks, an author's dream of publishing a great book is easily turned into a reality. Most self-publishing packages, however, leave the sales and marketing to the author. This is where Freebird Publishers years of expertise and hard-won experience are most valuable. American prisons currently hold 2,298,300 prisoners, many of whom are seeking meaningful activities to distract them from the tedium of prison life. Reliable estimates show that over ninety percent of prisoners read daily, for either pleasure or self-improvement. At Freebird Publishers, they understand the difference between advertising and marketing. They know that the most important people are always the readers, and Freebird has direct access to over two million potential readers. They know how to reach the reading needs of the huge prisoner market. Freebird Publishers is headquartered in North Dighton, Massachusetts. They have been in the business of providing necessary information and specialized publishing services to inmates since 2013. They have earned the confidence of prisoners and their families nationwide. For more information about self-publishing services, and the tools it provides, that an inmate can use to make their incarceration more productive visit: or send a direct e-mail to: Freebird Publishers has a book to help you get started titled Write & Get Paid, reveals the secrets to write what sells, find the best paying jobs, and get published regularly. You'll discover easy ways to turn your way with words into wads of cash.