Tough Trivia
The worlds biggest what was made in London in 1998 to celebrate the re-release of Disney's Lady And The Tramp?
How old was Elizabeth Taylor when she appeared in National Velvet?
The World's biggest what was made at Utica, New York in January 1998?
Who directed the blockbusting movie Alien?
Who was the first artist to enter the US album chart at No 1?
Which writer said, "Where large sums of money are involved, it is advisable to trust nobody?
In which year did Frank Zappa die?
What is the surname of the Hungarian inventor whose multicolored, rotatable cube became a world cult?
How long is the appointed term of office of the secretary general of the United Nations?
How much did the first three minutes of a call cost when commercial telephone service was introduced between New York and London in 1927?
The British consume twice as much what per capita as the United States?
To cover garlicky breath, what do Italians often eat?
Banon, mimolette and samosoe are types of what?
ANSWERS: Bowl of spaghetti, 10, Jam donut, Ridney Scott, Elton John, Agatha Christie, 1993, Rubik, Five years, $75.00, Baked beans, A coffee bean, Cheese