Pen Pal Company Seeking Volunteers to Promote Prisoner Rehabilitation
Pen Pals have become a huge positive influence in the way of Prisoner Rehabilitation. Prison Pen Pal service, Penacon.com has recently...

Freebird Publishers Demonstrations a Proven Technique
Introducing published prisoner author, Josh Kruger In The Millionaire Prisoner, author Josh Kruger tells us of his shared system of...

Freebird Publishers Offers Free Download "First Step"
Sentence reductions are highest in two decades. Everyone who is or knows a federal prisoner has, most likely, heard about The First...

Freebird Publishers Launches First Color Catalog
Today Freebird Publishers introduces a new publication. The easiest way for inmates to shop with our new full color, 52-page...

Freebird Publishers Releases a Celebrity Address Book
The lives of celebrities are idealistic. It's no wonder so many people are so caught up on wanting to make contact with them. They have...

Books for Inmates: Gifts That Keep Giving
Anyone who knows what it's like for a prison inmate to be confined indoors all day with minimal contact with the outside world knows that...

Businesses That Service Inmates Find Opportunity for Exposure with America's Largest Inmate Shop
With their current issue Annual 2018-19 Inmate Shopper resource book, Freebird Publishers is excited to share an opportunity with other...

Gift Giving and the Psychology Behind It
It's that time of the year when people's attention is focused on the holiday ritual of gift-giving. Shoppers are scurrying about or...

Gifts for Prisoners from Freebird Publishers - We Make It Easy to Send Books to Loved Ones Behind Ba
The new year is a time where many people resolve to make a new start. For those behind bars, this may be a more challenging task than for...

Inmate Service Providers Offering Gift Basket on This Halloween
Freebird Publishers is the leading publication agency focuses on delivering books, gifts, education and self-publishing service for...