Prison Law Blog
The Prison Law Blog is a resource for attorneys, criminal justice professionals, prisoners, and their families and friends, along with anyone else seeking informed, honest, and authoritative information about prison law. The Prison Law Blog is a group of educated and passionate professionals. Some of us are experienced prison litigators, while others are highly-trained paralegals. But all of us care about the proper management of prisons and those who reside in them. Because we are experts in our field, we feel it is our duty to promulgate precise, correct information.
The Prison Law Blog is unlike any other resource. Celebrity status and the acquisition of money is not our goal. There are no advertisements on this site, ever. Our goal is simple: to be the best resource about federal prison law and prisoners' rights.
The Prison Law Blog contributors boast stellar credentials. They are members of the American Bar Association (including their Criminal Justice Section and Section on Litigation), the American Society of Journalists and Authors, the American Civil Liberties Union, the Correctional Education Association, the National Alliance of Sentencing Advocates and Mitigation Specialists, the National Association of Independent Writers and Editors, the National Lawyers Guild, National Legal Aid & Defender Association (including their Appellate Defender Section), the National Writers Union, the PEN American Center, and the Society of Professional Journalists.
The Prison Law Blog contributors write for Prison Legal News, AND Magazine,, and many others. Their work has been published in the Kansas City Star, The Sacramento Bee, Blog Critics, Midwest Book Review, Basil and Spice, Seattle Post-Intelligencer, SF Gate, Rain Taxi, and many, many more. Our contributors have received awards from the PEN American Center's annual Prison Writing Contest.
Several of the Prison Law Blog contributors have had work syndicated by the Associated Press, Google News, and Yahoo! News. Indeed, a number of our contributors have published books on a variety of subjects, including prison education policy, how to survive in federal prison, and even science fiction novels.
Several of the Prison Law Blog contributors have served time -- serious time -- in both federal and state prison systems. They have taught classes inside their respective prisons about habeas corpus, writing and publishing, and a variety of other topics. The Prison Law Blog views this as an asset because this is what makes us so good at what we do: we've been there, we've done that. And we've engaged in legal services and legal consulting through it all. We are the men and women to whom those in the legal and criminal justice sectors go when their client is in the Special Housing Unit and needs to be freed or who is facing a prison disciplinary hearing and needs to be defended by competent defense counsel. In fact, in just the last few months, our success list boasts five expunged incident reports, two detainers lifted a remand for resentencing (which is going to result in a 10-year time cut due to a Simmons issue), and a time slot in a medium-security federal prison's chapel. Our continued success is simply a product of knowing what we need to know and how to best employ it for our clients.
The Prison Law Blog actively supports organizations espousing prisoners' rights. At the same time, we also support quality prison staff organizations, such as the Correctional Education Association and the American Correctional Association. We strive to understand the corrections industry from all sides, from every perspective.
We are the Prison Law Blog.

Prison Law and Prison Education
News Service
In partnership with Freebird Publishers, and are now offering a free, electronic news update service. Starting in December, Freebird Publishers will be sending out news updates from these two websites three times a week through corrlinks. If you would like to subscribe to this free prison law and prison education news update service, please add to your corrlinks contact list.
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