Businesses That Service Inmates Find Opportunity for Exposure with America's Largest Inmate Shop

With their current issue Annual 2018-19 Inmate Shopper resource book, Freebird Publishers is excited to share an opportunity with other like-minded business that service inmates by offering a listing in the publication for free. Freebird Publisher's Inmate Shopper is America's largest inmate shopping guide and services directory for prisoners. Inmate Shopper is an in-print publication that offers inmates a safer way to shop and access business information all in one place. Freebird Publishers thoroughly research all the businesses listed in Inmate Shopper to ensure they are up to date in every current issue. Inmate Shopper informs its readers about established and newer companies and offers up to date information on businesses that service inmates, scams, opportunities, and places to sell their writing arts and crafts. Only Inmate Shopper lists Pen Pal resources/websites, Personal Assistants, Sexy Photo Sellers, Gift Boutiques, Businesses Catalogs to Order, Resources for writers, poets and artists and more. For browsing convenience, companies are listed in Inmate Shopper alphabetically by business name and information about that company can include: contact info, area served, cost of catalogs, payment methods, whether or not a SASE is required, and a business review and rating of the company. Businesses rated "10" receive the Inmate Shopper stamp of approval so shoppers know which companies are the best to shop with. Freebird Publishers also offer a censored version of Inmate Shopper; in other words, no pen pal content and no sexy photos for those prisons that will not allow. In addition to a free listing, businesses that service inmates also have the fantastic opportunity to purchase display advertising which is a big part of Freebird Publishers' website. Freebird Publishers' reputation is well known by those within the prison system and their loved ones on the outside. In fact, they provide 4 of the 6 national prisoner publications in America. These include the aforementioned Inmate Shopper, Resources for Inmate Services as well as other titles including The Best 500 Non-Profit Organizations for Prisoners and Their Families, a prisoner resource book and A legal series call Post-Conviction Relief, Pen Pal Success, Life With A Record Reentry book and more. "It's important for businesses to act now to take advantage of this special offer to ensure they get a place both in the Inmate Shopper as well as get an ad placed on our website," shared Freebird Owner Diane Schindelwig. "With our highly-established reputation, it's something that is very valuable and can really put a business out there and help them to establish themselves further in this market." For more information about Freebird Publishers, call them today toll-free at 888-712-1987 or visit